IXL Math

What is it?

IXL.com is a mathematics learning website that is completely aligned to the New Zealand national curriculum, providing comprehensive coverage of each learning objective.

Why is it helpful?

Not only are there relevant questions to each year level and learning area, but they also show you how to work out questions you get wrong in an effective way.

What do I do?

Complete the questions below for the correct week. That's it.

Note: Not all students work at their year level (some work higher; some work lower). Change the year level on the left-hand side, and find the category that is relevant for the current week's work.

Note 2: The free version will only allow you to do 20 questions per day, so keep that in mind (i.e. don't spend your 20 questions on questions that are too easy; the point is that you learn and solidify your learning done in class).

Term 1 Week 11 – Monday 11th April 2016

Measurement #2

X.3Metric mixed units
X.4Convert square and cubic units of length
X.5Convert between cubic metres and litres
X.6Convert between square metres and hectares
X.7Working with temperatures above and below zero

Q.9Convert between decimals and fractions or mixed numbers
Q.10Put a mix of decimals, fractions and mixed numbers in order
U.2Ratio tables
U.4Equivalent ratios
F.6Compare fractions: word problems
F.8Compare mixed numbers and improper fractions
G.3Add fractions with unlike denominators
G.16Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models
G.18Divide whole numbers and unit fractions
J.8Solve proportions
J.11Rate of change

Term 1 Week 7 – Monday 14th March 2016

Q.1Fractions and mixed numbers review
Q.4Understanding fractions: word problems
Q.8Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers
U.1Write a ratio to describe objects in a picture
F.2Simplify fractions
F.4Least common denominator
G.3Add fractions with unlike denominators
G.10Multiply fractions and whole numbers
G.15Multiply three or more fractions and whole numbers
J.6Do the ratios form a proportion?

Term 1 Week 6 – Monday 7th March 2016

B.1What decimal number is illustrated?
B.2Decimal place values
B.3Word names for decimal numbers
B.4Convert decimals to mixed numbers
Note: These are with an algorithm so try our class strategies too.

C.1Add and subtract decimals
C.2Add and subtract decimals: word problems
C.3Multiply decimals
C.4Multiply decimals and whole numbers: word problems

Term 1 Week 5 – Monday 29th February 2016

B.1Decimal numbers review
B.2Compare and order decimals
B.3Decimal number lines
Divisibility Rules
Greatest Common Factor
Least Common Multiple


  1. Mr Ahie are we still practicing week 6 IXL maths or are you going to put the week 7 IXL maths things to practice on.

    1. Hi Ting-wei. Good question. I will update it now. Thank you.

  2. Mr Ahie are we still doing week 8 IXL maths or will you update it to week 10??

    1. Hi Tyler. Good question. I will update it now. Thank you.

  3. are you going to update it to week 11

    1. Good timing; I was just doing it now :) All done
